What Should You Expect in a Divorce Consult?
It seems a lot of people are unclear about the process for setting [...]
It seems a lot of people are unclear about the process for setting [...]
DC is a very stressful area, and not many have good coping skills for [...]
Divorce Corp. hits theaters this weekend, and according to how they depict the [...]
Some days, I feel more like a priest than a lawyer, as people [...]
Generally speaking, guys think women are super complicated and very emotional. Generally speaking, [...]
A few years ago, I went to a wonderful seminar by Bill Eddy, [...]
No, I'm not a huge Poison fan, never was, but I do remember when [...]
If you look at the traditional marriage vows, here's what they say: I [...]
In the dating world, some people are simply out to have fun, and [...]
In life, they say it's all about your attitude, and never is this [...]