DC and MD Matrimonial Lawyer Focusing on Custody, Divorce and Prenups
For over 20 years, Regina A. DeMeo has been helping families in MD and DC with custody and divorce issues either through mediation, litigation or advocacy. She is an alumna of Georgetown University and GW University Law School, who is nationally recognized as a top matrimonial attorney. She is frequently quoted in the media for her ideas to promote healthier relationships and featured in the Washington Post, ABA Journal and Bethesda Magazine for her care and commitment to her clients. As a legal commentator, she has appeared on Washington Post Express Facebook Live, ABC tv, Good Morning America, MMCTV, YouTube and Sirius XM, and has been quoted in various magazines, books and journals across the country.
Regina offers appointments in Maryland and DC. Her areas of practice include:
Latest Blog Posts by GenXSmartie
Can You Spot The Different Types of Abuse?
Every week I encounter someone trying to escape an abusive relationship. Unfortunately in law school I was only taught to identify two clear types of abuse: physical or sexual abuse, both of which are clearly defined and easily identified as acts involving unwanted touching. But the fact is I rarely encounter those in my divorce cases, and the far more prevalent forms of abuse are (i) emotional or mental; (ii) financial or (iii) digital. Unlike physical and sexual abuse, which are easy to spot, I'm afraid the other three are not, especially because they don't leave physical scars or occur overnight. So how does it happen? Well, first you have to understand that the abusers start out as masterful charmers that shower their victims with attention and affection in the beginning. It doesn't register on your radar that they are implementing sick manipulation tactics designed to gain power and control over you because at first their actions seem to be based on a genuine desire to care for you and protect you. In the interest of looking out for you, they start to screen your friends and family, who ask too much of you and don't deserve you; they monitor all your moves--when you are at work, when you get home, where you go out; and eventually once they have inserted themselves into your life, they [...]
Do You Need To Lawyer Up?
Lawyers are expensive, we can all agree on that fact. But if you were never trained as an attorney and now find yourself in need of legal assistance, the question you really need to ask yourself is can I afford to forego using an attorney? Only you know what is really at stake, and how well you think you can advocate for yourself or whether you believe you will be able to keep up with all the rules and deadlines imposed by the court process if you find yourself inside a courtroom. But when in doubt, why not ask for some help? Most courthouses have staff attorneys or clerks that can answer basic procedural questions, and many forms are either available at the clerk's desk or online. However, there are limits to what the court personnel can do for individuals, and they will not be appearing on your behalf in the courtroom or assisting in negotiations or litigation. If you want advice tailored to your specific situation, how about springing the $250-500 typically charged for a one-hour consult? In that meeting, you should get an education on the law and an overview of the legal process. Sometimes, we can offer to ghost-write certain documents for a flat-fee or charge a lower retainer, which is an upfront deposit towards the work [...]
Are You Missing The Point?
Dating in the 21st century has never been easier--you don't even have to leave your house to explore options and start a conversation with someone that might be interesting. It's also super easy to stay connected without much of an effort, just by liking a few posts on Instagram or Facebook or sending a quick text maybe not even with words, just an emoji to let someone know you are thinking of him or her. Once we establish that someone is geographically convenient and shares a few common interests, maybe we put in some effort to meet up, or perhaps just hook up. Then, if there is chemistry, this usually becomes the main focus for a while-- maybe weeks or even months, and if that is all you both wanted then great, mission accomplished, and you can both enjoy the fun while it lasts. But what if someone wants more than just a fun, temporary fling? What if you are actually looking for someone that will not just be around to meet your short-term entertainment needs? Well, then you first have to realize that not everyone you meet shares this same mind-frame, and next you have to develop a better way to screen. You cannot just focus on activities you enjoy doing with others-- we all like to go to [...]
5 Questions to Ask Before Saying “I Do”
Wedding season is now upon us, and on average each U.S. couple tying the knot will spend in excess of $30,000 for their big day. While it is easy to get caught up in all the details and the overall excitement, it is important to talk through some major issues. Here are the top 5 hot-topics I ask couples to think about before they say their vows: 1. Wedding Budget – Are you in agreement on the number of guests, the size of the bridal party, and how the honeymoon and all the event costs will be paid? 2. Household Finances- Have you fully disclosed your income, expenses, assets and liabilities? Do you know each other's credit scores? Are you in sync regarding your desire to save vs. spend? How will you handle your household budget? Do you need to see a Financial Planner together and look into life insurance and updating your estate documents and beneficiary designations? 3. Separate vs. Marital Assets- What assets do you want to keep as separate? Are you going to maintain a separate account for any inheritances, gifts, or premarital funds? What will you consider joint? Do you want to memorialize your understanding in a legal document, i.e. a prenup or postnup? 4. Family- Do your families get along? If not, how will you handle holidays? [...]