DC and MD Matrimonial Lawyer Focusing on Custody, Divorce and Prenups
For over 20 years, Regina A. DeMeo has been helping families in MD and DC with custody and divorce issues either through mediation, litigation or advocacy. She is an alumna of Georgetown University and GW University Law School, who is nationally recognized as a top matrimonial attorney. She is frequently quoted in the media for her ideas to promote healthier relationships and featured in the Washington Post, ABA Journal and Bethesda Magazine for her care and commitment to her clients. As a legal commentator, she has appeared on Washington Post Express Facebook Live, ABC tv, Good Morning America, MMCTV, YouTube and Sirius XM, and has been quoted in various magazines, books and journals across the country.
Regina offers appointments in Maryland and DC. Her areas of practice include:
Latest Blog Posts by GenXSmartie
The Most Common Reasons Marriages Fail, According To Divorce Lawyers
Regina A. DeMeo, an attorney who has been practicing law in the Bethesda, Maryland, area for the past 18 years, says she’s seen a sharp spike in “people wanting out because of financial differences or financial infidelity” since the recession of 2008.“I find that people are much more aware of the instability created by staying in a marriage with someone that lacks financial responsibility, and there's less tolerance of someone that isn't doing his [or] her best to contribute and maintain financial security for the family unit,” DeMeo tells HealthyWay.The money issues that send people into DeMeo’s office are always unique to the couple, but they tend to fall into two basic camps: The marriage where one person says the other is spending too much or the marriage where one spouse feels the other isn’t maximizing their earnings or savings. That can mean anything from someone who doesn’t save to the person who feels like their spouse should work harder or move up the ladder faster at their job.“The fact is that marriage is more than just a partnership built on love,” DeMeo says. “You are presumably helping each other to build a life together, and in order to feel safe and secure in this endeavor, you need to be on the same page about spending prudently and saving. If [...]
5 Things Your Kids Learn From Travel
When I was 9, my grandmother took me to visit her family in South America. That was a memorable trip for me mostly because I was not prepared for the immense poverty and huge disparity between the haves and have-nots. Then as a teenager in the 1980's, I was given special permission to travel to Eastern Europe during the Cold War to train with some of their top athletes. That was another huge culture shock, mainly due to my lack of experience with their language, the different foods, and a political ideology that completely contradicted the one we revered back home. A few years later, I opted for a semester in Paris, just as the Berlin Wall collapsed; then in the early 90's I spent a year studying in Spain, my father's home country, right before I back packed through Europe by myself before turning 21. Here are the 5 key life lessons I learned from all those experiences: 1. Adaptability- The sooner you adapt to a new time zone, learn a few key phrases and learn to convert to another country's currency, the easier everything gets. Be open to learning about a new culture with different customs. The more willing you are to modify your routines, the less aggravated you will be when things don't go exactly according to [...]
Can You See The Silver-Lining Of Divorce?
Whether your marriage lasted six months or thirty years, parting ways is never easy because of the maelstrom of emotions evoked once either party announces that s/he is done trying to work things out. Simply put, admitting failure isn't easy for anyone, and accepting that all your dreams of a happily-ever-after with your spouse are not ever going to come true is a hard and bitter pill to swallow. Anger and sadness, mixed with the fear of change, being alone, or the unknown are all difficult feelings to work through, but most of my divorce clients eventually come to the realization that in order to move forward they need to face their deep-seeded fears and off-load the negative emotions, which hamper their progress in starting a new chapter. Eventually, those of us that are determined to move onward and upward, come to appreciate some of the most powerful lessons divorce can teach you, including the following: 1. Enjoy Being Alone- it is a good thing to just enjoy your own company. On your own, you can either re-engage in activities you once loved, or decide to learn new skills. Learn to entertain yourself. This is essential if you don't want to cling to someone like s/he is your life-support in your next relationship. 2. Mindful of Finances- when there is no one else to [...]
33 Tiny Habits That Are Slowly Ruining Your Relationship
"Of course we all want to do thing according to our own timeline, especially when we're not at work, but if you constantly blow off your partner's request to do something within a certain time frame, then they'll begin to resent you because you obviously aren't really listening or making their requests a priority." -Regina A. DeMeo, Esq., couples' therapist based in Washington, DC Read the Full Article in Redbook