DC and MD Matrimonial Lawyer Focusing on Custody, Divorce and Prenups
For over 20 years, Regina A. DeMeo has been helping families in MD and DC with custody and divorce issues either through mediation, litigation or advocacy. She is an alumna of Georgetown University and GW University Law School, who is nationally recognized as a top matrimonial attorney. She is frequently quoted in the media for her ideas to promote healthier relationships and featured in the Washington Post, ABA Journal and Bethesda Magazine for her care and commitment to her clients. As a legal commentator, she has appeared on Washington Post Express Facebook Live, ABC tv, Good Morning America, MMCTV, YouTube and Sirius XM, and has been quoted in various magazines, books and journals across the country.
Regina offers appointments in Maryland and DC. Her areas of practice include:
Latest Blog Posts by GenXSmartie
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Today, it seems everyone wants to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but in addition to enjoying some great Mexican food with a fruity margarita or Corona, let me give you some food for thought: In 1848, when the U.S. took over half of Mexico's land, we signed The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo where we agreed to allow the Mexicans that stayed in the USA full rights as citizens-- which meant that back then we considered them free people, who were white. It was not until 1930 that the census then included a separate category for "Mexican" and since the 1960's there has been more of an attempt to categorize race and ethnicity (which are 2 separate things). For example, I am 100% Hispanic, first generation born here, but what race do I identify with, and does the answer change depending on who I am with because of how they make me feel? Even though my son, with his blond hair and blue eyes, thinks I am "brown" most of my friends and colleagues think that I am white, and probably Italian because I changed my last name when I got married 20 years ago and kept the name after my divorce. But even before that change occurred, I was always considered racially ambiguous-- until people would hear me speak to my [...]
Are You Dreading Valentine’s Day?
Don't you wish you could go back in time, like to the days we were in grade school and could all enjoy a zero-pressure Valentine's Day? Remember when your entire class had a party, you made heart-shaped decorations for your family, and everyone got the same amazing amount of candy? I still vividly remember these days, most likely because I got to vicariously re-live them for a bit through my own child, but otherwise, the last two decades (at least) I've had a love-hate relationship with this holiday-- on the one hand, I think it's great to have a day where you acknowledge those you love, but on the other hand having just gotten through the holidays, I am often at a loss for what to get a significant other (when there is one) or myself (when there isn't). If you are in a good and healthy relationship when this holiday rolls around, God bless you. Hopefully you can plan something nice together, without the need to succumb to the ridiculous holiday-surcharge at restaurants or flower shops. I always found a nice, quiet dinner at home on V-Day with some pretty tulips was far more enjoyable than stressing over impossible reservations, traffic, parking, and a bill that was never less than $120 (which is probably the equivalent of a week's groceries [...]
Why Is January “Divorce Month”?
From mid-November until January 1st each year, most people focus on the holidays-- either embracing them completely while feeling like Chris Kringle or at the other extreme sympathizing tremendously with Ebenezer Scrooge or The Grinch prior to their last minute epiphanies. For those in troubled marriages, those five weeks at the end of the year can be quite torturous for a variety of reasons, including: (1) Have you ever tried to get someone a gift while they are on your shit list? Believe me, it is not easy. (2) Can you imagine what it is like trying to put on an act for others worthy of an Academy Award at the Oscars when you feel like you are dying inside? Few, if any, have ever actually managed to fool their friends and family when they are sharing meals and spending extended time together. (3) When everyone else around you is coming up with good-natured New Year's Resolutions, like focusing on their health or work-life balance more, can you try to picture how you would feel when the best resolution you can come up with is simply trying to avoid having World War III erupt in your own house? In the new year, as the disappointment from the holidays fails to fade away and you realize that "fake it 'til you [...]
Spouse Skeptical of Divorce Mediation? Here’s How to Get Them to the Table
There’s a very good chance that when you and your spouse decide it’s time to call your marriage quits, it’s because you don’t see eye to eye on a few things. That means you might not both agree on the best path forward. You may feel that mediation makes the most sense for your family’s situation, while your spouse may be leaning toward traditional divorce court, or litigation. If they are on the fence about joining you in mediation before heading to court, you still might be able to convince them to give it a shot. Read the Full Article in Custody X Change