DC and MD Matrimonial Lawyer Focusing on Custody, Divorce and Prenups
For over 20 years, Regina A. DeMeo has been helping families in MD and DC with custody and divorce issues either through mediation, litigation or advocacy. She is an alumna of Georgetown University and GW University Law School, who is nationally recognized as a top matrimonial attorney. She is frequently quoted in the media for her ideas to promote healthier relationships and featured in the Washington Post, ABA Journal and Bethesda Magazine for her care and commitment to her clients. As a legal commentator, she has appeared on Washington Post Express Facebook Live, ABC tv, Good Morning America, MMCTV, YouTube and Sirius XM, and has been quoted in various magazines, books and journals across the country.
Regina offers appointments in Maryland and DC. Her areas of practice include:
Latest Blog Posts by GenXSmartie
Is Being Together, But Separate A Viable Option?
Gwyneth Paltrow has caused quite a stir this week with the revelation that she doesn't live full-time with her new husband, Brad Falchuk. But really people, this should not be earth-shattering news. Several of my neighbors and a few of my colleagues have this arrangement, and none of them are Hollywood stars or mega millionaires-- but they are all over the age 45. So while young newly weds are not likely to sign up for keeping separate homes (and perhaps that is driven more by financial reasons than anything else), it's not surprising for those of us that are older and more set in our ways to want to keep a little space that is all our own-- especially when you have step family dynamics to contend with. If you can suspend judgment for a minute, allow me to be brutally honest: It's hard to share a bed, especially with someone that tosses and turns, has nightmares or snores, or simply hogs all the blankets. I don't know about the rest of you, but a good night's sleep is a necessity for me to be able to function (and not be crabby) the next day. Then there is the issue of cleanliness. I grew up in a house where cleanliness is next to godliness, and while I am no [...]
Father’s Day, It’s Complicated
For 30 years, I managed to ignore Father's Day. My dad was not around when I was growing up, and my mother's father died before I was ever born. But then I had a son, and for many years (long after my own divorce) I helped him acknowledge Father's Day until he became old enough to do it himself. However, when he was in kindergarten working on his family tree, he started asking questions I had long ago buried about my own father: was he alive or dead? Did he have any siblings? What did his parents do? Why did he leave Spain to come to the U.S.? Eight years ago, I decided to solve the mystery that my son's school project had unearthed. I tracked down my father, who lives in Florida, and took a DNA test. Afterwards, I met that whole side of my family-- including an uncle and his wife, along with their two daughters, and my brother from a different mother. A couple of years later, I filed a Petition to add him to my birth certificate, much to my mother's chagrin. Afterwards, over the course of several years, I have made huge efforts to spend time with him and my new-found family. Eventually, with my father's help, I recently became a Spanish citizen. It's [...]
Are You Celebrating Your Milestones?
If you are a fellow GenXer, whether you are ready to face it or not, we are fast approaching some major milestones. Last year, I celebrated my 20th law school reunion. This weekend, I returned to my undergraduate campus for the 25th college reunion, and next year I will be heading back to my high school for our 30th reunion. Soon thereafter, although it is hard to admit it, in just a few years I will be turning 50 around the same time that my son will be graduating high school, which will make me (gulp) an empty nester. The way I see it, we can either let these moments pass us by, or we can rise to the occasion embracing the magnitude of each milestone and joining our friends in celebrating all that we have accomplished to get to this point in our lives. Given those two choices, I am opting for the latter and in that vein, I agreed to be part of our law school's reunion committee last year, and through that endeavor was able to reconnect with a lot of my classmates leading up to our celebration. This weekend, not only did I participate in my college reunion activities, but I actually led one of the events after my alma mater graciously asked me to [...]
What Are You Doing For Yourself This Mother’s Day?
Being a single mom is super tough, and this I've known my whole life watching my mom be solely responsible for everything in our household while I was growing up with absolutely no safety net to catch her if she missed a step. As a result, being a single parent was not at all what I wanted for myself, and yet it's exactly what I've had to face since my own divorce over a decade ago. Just managing your own life is hard enough-- juggling work, finances, household responsibilities, medical care, family obligations, finding time to travel, exercise or just catch up with friends when you are single is already a challenge, and on top of that the past 15 years I have also had to oversee all those things for a child, who looks to me for all his needs. To be honest, it's been a tremendous load to bear, and incredibly scary and lonely at times. Having to face the fear of being a single mom has been the biggest challenge of my life. Why? Well because when facing any medical scare or risk of financial hardship, I was always painfully aware that I was not the only one that would be impacted. But thanks to the examples created by my mother and grandmother, who were [...]