DC and MD Matrimonial Lawyer Focusing on Custody, Divorce and Prenups
For over 20 years, Regina A. DeMeo has been helping families in MD and DC with custody and divorce issues either through mediation, litigation or advocacy. She is an alumna of Georgetown University and GW University Law School, who is nationally recognized as a top matrimonial attorney. She is frequently quoted in the media for her ideas to promote healthier relationships and featured in the Washington Post, ABA Journal and Bethesda Magazine for her care and commitment to her clients. As a legal commentator, she has appeared on Washington Post Express Facebook Live, ABC tv, Good Morning America, MMCTV, YouTube and Sirius XM, and has been quoted in various magazines, books and journals across the country.
Regina offers appointments in Maryland and DC. Her areas of practice include:
Latest Blog Posts by GenXSmartie
Are You Ready To Call It Quits?
Severing ties is never easy, but once you realize things are not getting better and cannot continue the way they are, the next best thing to do is often to plan a peaceful and graceful exit. If you need help with this, aside from getting some legal advice maybe consider talking to a therapist or divorce coach to help with the unsettling emotions caused by all the change and loss that are inevitably part of the separation process. Only about one-third of divorces are actually "angry," and unfortunately those are the ones that wind up in court costing the family a ton of money. Most opt for a more cooperative approach, which is far less expensive and also less stressful. These couples express a commitment upfront to work on gathering and exchanging all the necessary information to discuss options for reaching a resolution on the legal issues involved in a divorce, including custody, alimony, child support, and/or property division. Forward-thinking couples don't try to place blame and re-hash the past. Rather, they focus on the legal issues that need to be addressed in order to part ways and move onward to a better place. In mediation, these families are able to confidentially discuss their problems with the guidance of a neutral third-party that will assist them in tackling difficult [...]
Are You Planning a Wedding in 2020?
Over 25% of couples get engaged during the holidays, and on average they will spend almost $40,000 in the DC Area. Those who are planning to tie the knot this year need to quickly work on their guest list, then lock in a venue and caterer. Other vendors will then need to be vetted, including a florist, photographer, and the entertainment, and all these service providers will most likely require a contract and deposit, which need to be reviewed carefully. As this all starts to come together, difficult money talks are inevitable, and emotions can run high. Pay attention to how your partner handles conflict, and don't ignore your own feelings as you navigate the negotiation process and deal with other family dynamics, which are inevitable. If you have concerns about your ability to communicate respectfully and effectively, invest in some pre-marital counseling sessions. Learn what pitfalls to avoid, and gain insight into healthy habits needed to maintain a positive relationship. Meanwhile, if you find that you have vastly different views on money, consider a joint meeting with a financial advisor or float the idea of a prenuptial agreement, maybe both. Prenuptial agreements are meant to ensure that everyone is on the same page with respect to what will be joint vs. separate, and we set limits on alimony [...]
Do You Have a Clear Vision for 2020?
As 2019 comes to an end, are you thinking about the ROI with respect to your investment of time, money and energy this past year? Unfortunately, it is very easy to lose track of how we spend these limited resources, unless we adopt a strategic approach by prioritizing upfront where we want to spend our best efforts in the new year. To develop a clear vision of the direction you should head in for 2020, ask yourself the following: 1. Work- are you happy doing what you do where you are? Do you feel appreciated, and properly compensated? If not, you need to either speak up or consider a change. 2. Money- do you have a good grasp of your finances? Are you operating with a balanced budget so your expenses don't exceed your income? If you are going into debt each month, it's time to acknowledge the situation is not sustainable. Ask for help from a financial advisor and come up with a plan to become fiscally responsible. 3. Friends- do you feel you have a good support network? We all go through phases in life where friends move away or get caught up in their own lives, but it's important to either remain connected with a core group we can count on, or build new one. [...]
This Holiday Season, How Much Are You Willing To Give?
Holidays can be tough, especially when dealing with challenging relationships. Aside from the financial investment you will make when purchasing gifts, there is the far more difficult task of deciding how much time and energy to put into a relationship during the holidays. Most of the time, we simply calculate this based on our ROI (return on investment) but with families, the calculation is not always so simple and clean cut. Sometimes, we have to "suck it up" for the sake of a loved one, or in the overall interest of maintaining peace among the various tribes that are a part of our lives. If you have to grin and bear it for a period of time (as most of us will have to do at some point during the holidays) here are some helpful tips: 1) take a deep breath and filter your words before speaking to someone you don't particularly like; 2) if you feel your head is starting to spin, extricate yourself from the conversation and go find a quiet place or take a walk outside to calm down; 3) set boundaries for yourself ahead of time so that you know topics to avoid. When all else fails, try to remember to GIVE: be Gentle, show Interest, Validate feelings and keep the conversation Easy. This [...]