DC and MD Matrimonial Lawyer Focusing on Custody, Divorce and Prenups
For over 20 years, Regina A. DeMeo has been helping families in MD and DC with custody and divorce issues either through mediation, litigation or advocacy. She is an alumna of Georgetown University and GW University Law School, who is nationally recognized as a top matrimonial attorney. She is frequently quoted in the media for her ideas to promote healthier relationships and featured in the Washington Post, ABA Journal and Bethesda Magazine for her care and commitment to her clients. As a legal commentator, she has appeared on Washington Post Express Facebook Live, ABC tv, Good Morning America, MMCTV, YouTube and Sirius XM, and has been quoted in various magazines, books and journals across the country.
Regina offers appointments in Maryland and DC. Her areas of practice include:
Latest Blog Posts by GenXSmartie
Practicing Forgiveness, Particularly During COVID-19
Have you found yourself immensely disappointed by others the past few months? If so, you are definitely not alone-- this pandemic is testing everyone's patience in so many ways. None of us are operating at our best right now, which is why now more than ever we need to practice our ability to forgive.Forgiveness is not about excusing someone's transgression or forgetting their bad acts. It is definitely not about allowing yourself to become vulnerable once again or even continuing in a toxic relationship. What it is about is letting go-- making a choice to not harbor resentment, seek revenge or be consumed by anger. The gift of forgiveness is really to yourself, so you can find inner peace and move forward with a far lighter load to bear.When processing your feelings of frustration, try to (1) pinpoint the reason for your pain; (2) understand that person's motives or intent; and (3) weigh all your options for a workable solution. Analyze where this person ranks in your life-- is s/he even worth the effort of you spending time and energy agonizing over the relationship and finding a way to fix things? Also, how egregious was the transgression? And was the trespass intentional or accidental, because that does make a huge difference. Misunderstandings happen all the time, and sometimes even smart [...]
5 Tips for Staying Grounded During COVID-19
If you are a planner, someone that is goal driven and likes to have a clear plan of action, and/or like to feel like you are in control (at least in your own life) the past four months have undoubtedly thrown you a bit off kilter. This pandemic is limiting everyone's ability to make plans, and work and finances for many are quite unpredictable right now. So, if you feel unsteady you can certainly take solace in knowing you are in very good company, but an even better course of action is to find ways as minor as they may seem to restore some balance to your life.1. Socialize- Humans are not meant to be alone. Identify a few close family and friends to check in with you regularly. Calls are not enough, so try to find a few that will do socially distant walks with you or small backyard gatherings. I've found this has been a great source of joy even during the most difficult of weeks.2. Exercise- It is important to get outside, breath some fresh air, and work out regularly. Lately, despite not having access to a gym I've been walking 4 miles a day, doing yoga at least 3 days a week, and I even took up golf, which is a nice socially distant sport [...]
Key Tips for Setting Boundaries
Our boundaries are always being tested-- at work, by our family and friends, and even our exs. Setting limits can be difficult, particularly when it brings up feelings of guilt for us. This is why it is so important to work through those feelings of guilt. We need to realize that creating limits and saying "no" to others is not a bad thing. First and foremost, it is about self-preservation. Boundaries help you protect you, and only you really know how much you can tolerate in terms of a work load, need for sleep, some "me" time, etc. With a partner or relative, another point to consider is that you don't want to let resentment build up. When we take on too much for others, or repeatedly allow someone to avoid consequences, we risk creating an unhealthy dynamic that slowly, but surely will erode the relationship. Speaking up and setting boundaries, can actually help reduce tension and restore balance to the relationship. With former partners, if you share custody of children with them, boundaries are essential to being good co-parents and modeling good behavior for your kids. Setting limits in your communications with exs is also important if you want any chance of finding a decent new partner. Inevitably, there might be some backlash when we try to [...]
Tips On How To Exit Gracefully
When someone makes the decision to leave a relationship emotions can run high, particularly if one person feels blind-sided. For some people, this will trigger anxiety due to their fear of being abandoned and feeling lonely; for others it is the loss of connection that triggers sadness and grief. Some may become consumed by the issue of sunken costs (time, energy, and money spent during the courtship) and they wind up stuck in an angry/negative loop. Maybe it's even the perfect trifecta, which will compromise your ability to think clearly and rationally, and if you act out on your impulses, others will wonder is s/he "crazy or just plain stupid?" (Thank you Forrest Gump for that great line).Sadly, there are no short-cuts, and the only way to regain your equilibrium is to allow yourself to go through the grief cycle-- give yourself permission to experience each stage, and if you feel overwhelmed, reach out for some support throughout the process. In the meantime, here are some tips to help you avoid making some very poor decisions that you will later regret:1. Don't destroy anyone's property, it is after all a crime;2. Don't make any threats, especially about someone's safety;3. Don't call or send any emails/texts in the heat of the moment;4. Don't trespass and show up uninvited at anyone's [...]