Regina’s Blog

Regina’s Blog2016-11-01T18:59:38-04:00

Regina's Blog


This is a blog about relationships, and it covers dating, marriage, parenting, modern family dynamics and divorce as seen from the very personal perspective of a divorced divorce lawyer.

511, 2020

Attorney Regina DeMeo: “5 Things You Need to Know To Survive and Thrive After A Divorce” – An interview with Ilyssa Panitz

By |November 5th, 2020|Categories: Media Coverage|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

511, 2020

Navigating the Legal Options For Families in Transition

By |November 5th, 2020|Categories: Media Coverage|

Regina DeMeo a top divorce attorney in Maryland and DC, interviews Heidi Webb, founder of Consilium Divorce Consultations in MA. They discuss the process for negotiating a prenup, determining if divorce is the right path for a couple & best options for completing that process. Heidi describes the inspiration for her transition from litigation to mediation/alternate dispute resolution for families and the services her firm provides for families that are restructuring.

3010, 2020

Helping Kids with Speech Issues

By |October 30th, 2020|Categories: Media Coverage|

Regina DeMeo a top Maryland and DC divorce attorney interviews Gabriele Nicolet, the founder of Speech Kids in the DC Area, whose company has completely pivoted during COVID to online sessions with families in need of assistance. Gabriele encourages families not to wait if they believe their children have any speech issues. Speech Kids focuses on early intervention with children under the age of 5.

1310, 2020

Key Money Management Tips During COVID

By |October 13th, 2020|Categories: Media Coverage|

Regina DeMeo a top Maryland and DC divorce attorney interviews Judy Heft, a Certified Money Coach who shares tips for managing your money, particularly during COVID. Judy is the author of "How To Be Successful, Smart & Organized With Your Money" and explains common mistakes to avoid. Educate yourself on money management, developing a balanced budget, and minimizing debt.

610, 2020

Tips for Healthy Cooking During COVID-19

By |October 6th, 2020|Categories: Media Coverage|

Regina DeMeo a top family law attorney in Maryland and DC, interviews Lorraine Slud, owner of Happy Healthy Chefs in Maryland. Lorraine provides tips for cooking healthy during the pandemic and explains how she's been teaching virtual classes online to help people, including children, learn to enjoy their time in the kitchen more.

110, 2020

Tackling Education Issues During COVID-19

By |October 1st, 2020|Categories: Media Coverage|

Regina DeMeo a top family law attorney in Maryland and DC interviews Pavel Sukhobok of Potomac Oak Tutoring about the education issues families are grappling with during COVID-19, including the uncertainty of ACT/SAT testing and need for tutoring to deal with online learning challenges and college counseling to navigate that changing minefield. They also discuss the rise in inquiries for debate team participation and how helpful that is for students looking to participate in a safe socially distant activity.

2409, 2020

Tackling Substance Abuse Issues During COVID

By |September 24th, 2020|Categories: Media Coverage|

Regina DeMeo a top divorce attorney in Maryland and DC interviews Dr. Phoenix Adams and Josephine Tynes at Caron Treatment Centers, which has been working with recovery patients for over 60 years. They explain why there has been a rise in substance abuse during COVID, what treatment looks like, how one determines if there is an issue, and what the available options are for individuals and/or families at Caron. Problems with drug and alcohol impact the entire family, and it takes a team approach to heal.

909, 2020

Maryland Family Law Attorneys Discuss The 7 Principles for a Just Divorce

By |September 9th, 2020|Categories: Media Coverage|

Regina DeMeo, a top divorce attorney in Maryland and DC, interviews John Weaver about his new book, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining just principles throughout the divorce process. The complexity of alimony is explained, as well as the need to properly prepare for mediation and negotiations. Not allowing emotions to govern the approach is key, as well as making sure that the client's desired tactics align with the attorney's core values. Ultimately, the goal should be to obtain a fair outcome that protects the children.

2108, 2020

3 Tips For Staying Positive During This COVID-19 Pandemic

By |August 21st, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

It's not easy to stay positive during a global crisis, but after two decades of dealing with challenging situations as a divorce attorney, I've discovered these three simple steps can help us all cope with the current times we find ourselves in: 1. Practice Gratitude- Lately, it's all about the little things. I start each morning grateful for my ability to taste that first cup of tea (a positive sign that I'm still COVID-free), and then if the sun is shining, I give thanks to the weather gods for providing me the opportunity to walk outside for at least 3 miles. I find tremendous joy in my ability to purchase desired treats when I go to the grocery store. And throughout the day, I continue to show appreciation for every positive human interaction available. Sadly, all these things were previously taken for granted. 2. Train Your Brain- As soon as you find yourself going into a negative downward spiral, you need to stop. Negativity is neither healthy nor productive. Teach yourself to reframe things and see the positive possibilities out there. If there is something you don't like, rather than complain focus your energy on how you can implement changes and make things better not just for yourself but others around you.  3. Focus on the Positives- Now more than ever, we need to celebrate those special moments. Even if we cannot be there in person, we should try to acknowledge births, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, promotions, or other milestones that family and friends have in their lives.  And even though making plans for the remainder of 2020 might be tricky, allow yourself to dream-- we all need things to look forward to. Try to set some modest, short-term goals for yourself with built-in rewards along the way. For better or worse, COVID-19 is forcing us all to rethink how we conduct our lives and work on developing a stronger emotional toolbox.  Use this time wisely to rid yourself of some bad habits and past emotional baggage.   With tremendous humility and grace, it is actually possible to see many unintended positives from this painful transformative phase we are currently in.  The key is to not lose hope, and trust that there are better days ahead. By Regina A. DeMeo

1008, 2020

Top 5 Golf Lessons, From A Novice’s Point of View

By |August 10th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Ever since the age of 5, if not sooner, I was always engaged in indoor exercise-- ballet, swimming, gymnastics, aerobics classes, yoga, running on a treadmill, etc. This form of stress-relief worked for me for over four decades until March 2020 when COVID-19 hit, the gyms closed, and I was forced to shift gears fast. Aside from walking 4 miles a day, to positively channel my anger/frustration with our "new norm," I decided to take up golf, a nice socially distant sport that you can play long into your later years of life. Yet, what started as a lark, soon became much more. Throughout this pandemic, at least for a few hours, the golf course has offered me a restored sense of normalcy. Surrounded by natural beauty, and friendly people, one can forget for a while that so much has been lost these past few months and instead focus on something positive. Along the way, it's also reminded me of many life lessons well worth preserving in our memory banks, including the following:1. Embrace challenges- rather than always stick to the familiar, it's good to step outside our comfort zone and try something new. No one else expects you to be perfect at first (and neither should you), however, it never hurts to find a good coach to work with you. 2. Set goals- it's important to our mental well-being to set goals, even modest short-term ones that give us something to work towards. If we stick with it, we'll see that practice does pay off, and it's good to feel a sense of accomplishment and  satisfaction.3. Conquer fears- life is full of "troubles" not just bunkers, water and junk areas. Just as you can learn how to deal with these difficulties on the course, you can also figure out how to either avoid or manage trouble in life.4. Think strategically- after you get the lay of the land, with each move you make along the way you need to (1) know the rules, (2) consider how each piece of your equipment performs, (3) assess all the risks and (4) make calculated decisions. 5. Have fun- accept that mistakes will happen, and you will lose some balls, but as long as you have good weather, are in good company and you maintain a good attitude (including an ability to laugh at yourself), it's all going to be okay.  More importantly, [...]

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