

DC and MD Matrimonial Lawyer Focusing on Custody, Divorce and Prenups

For over 20 years, Regina A. DeMeo has been helping families in MD and DC with custody and divorce issues either through mediation, litigation or advocacy. She is an alumna of Georgetown University and GW University Law School, who is nationally recognized as a top matrimonial attorney. She is frequently quoted in the media for her ideas to promote healthier relationships and featured in the Washington Post, ABA Journal and Bethesda Magazine for her care and commitment to her clients. As a legal commentator, she has appeared on Washington Post Express Facebook Live, ABC tv, Good Morning America, MMCTV, YouTube and Sirius XM, and has been quoted in various magazines, books and journals across the country.

Latest Blog Posts by GenXSmartie

2111, 2024

Have You Worked Out Your Holiday Plans With The Kids?

By |November 21st, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The holidays are intended to be a cheerful time spent reconnecting with family and friends, sharing great food, and taking some time away from work.  It's meant to be an opportunity for creating sweet memories and showing gratitude for the blessings in our lives.  Yet for many this can be a significant source of stress-- especially if they haven't fully worked out how they will share the kids with their ex. Ideally by now, separated parents have either a detailed Custody Order or Parenting Plan that provides a comprehensive schedule for the holidays.  If this isn't your case, maybe add this to your to-do list for next year.  While some people initially think that they are better off without a set schedule to allow for more flexibility, this rarely works out and most will opt for predictability in the long run. As parents, it is our job to minimize the drama our children are exposed to while providing them with as much consistency as possible, particularly in their early and formative years.  In that vein, some separated parents may try to share the holidays together, however, that only works if things are super amicable.  For most estranged couples, less is best when it comes to extended amounts of time together.  Having a clear schedule for the holidays (and sticking [...]

1411, 2024

4 Tips for Getting Through The Holidays In 2024

By |November 14th, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The holidays can always be a bit tricky with family, but this year might prove to be even more challenging than others as many of us struggle to come to terms with both the state of our economy and the political climate in this country. This of all years is definitely not the time to flaunt your success or debate politics when spending time with your loved ones. Here are some key tips to stay clear of drama during the holidays: Avoid Hot Topics- It may be difficult for you to understand why someone would vote a certain way or feel uncertain about the future, but right now it is probably best to rein in that curiosity while many work on processing their feelings and try to heal.  There is immense disappointment and fear among many at all socio-economic levels. Whether you think it's rational or not is beside the point, each individual's perception of what is in jeopardy is what shapes his/her version of reality. Set Boundaries- Every family has at least one person in the mix that is just a little oblivious, a bit insensitive, or maybe just a downright curmudgeon.  While you can't control their behavior, you can certainly manage yourself.  Extricate yourself from a difficult conversation, and have a few clutch phrases ready to help [...]

811, 2024

5 Tips For Getting Through The Holidays

By |November 8th, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The holidays can be tough, especially for couples that are on the brink of splitting up. If you are dreading spending time with your spouse, can't fathom getting anyone gifts or don't hold out any hope that this time together will actually be enjoyable, then don't torture yourself and those around you.  What is the point in being miserable together until the new year?  Now may truly be the best time to come up with a plan to exit gracefully. Unfortunately, when children are involved, a clean break isn't as easy to accomplish.  For parents with minor children, you need to pick the option that will cause the least disruption to everyone.  No one wants to have the children associate the holidays with their family falling apart, so if you can grin and bear it, maybe you just need to suck it up until January. How do you know what's the best call to make?  You alone probably are not in the best frame of mind to make this decision.  Emotions tend to cloud our judgment, and family/friends can have their own biases playing into their opinions, so your best bet is to reach out to a neutral professional and get some solid advice before taking any drastic actions. Get Counseling- an experienced counselor can help you better understand [...]

1502, 2024

5 Key Considerations In Favor of a Prenup

By |February 15th, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Marriage these days is nothing like those of prior generations.  Over 1/3 of women these days outearn their husbands, and over 75% of couples have a two-income household.  As everyone has become painfully aware of the divorce rates (along with the financial and legal entanglements that arise from these unions) prenuptial agreements have consistently been trending upwards over the past two decades-- not just with the trust fund babies or second marriages. Working with couples about to marry, here are some key points I ask them to consider: Property- what do you want to keep as separate versus what will you be building together?  For many, there may not be much at the moment, but perhaps there are intellectual property rights, the expectation of an inheritance or interest in a future business that they need to protect. Spousal Support- do you think each person should be self-supporting and that a full waiver of alimony is appropriate? Or maybe we can just minimize the exposure for each party by setting up some caps in terms of the amount and/or duration in the event someone might need financial assistance in the future if the couple parts ways. Managing Expenses- while sharing a home together, what are the expectations with respect to how much each person will contribute? Many people these days maintain [...]

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